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Hair Services


Each person’s hair is as unique as their personality! Please contact me to book services and for quotes!



Hair extensions can be used to add length and/or volume to your natural hair. The first step is to determine which extension type is best for you depending on your hair needs and goals. A free consultation is scheduled, where we will go through your hair history, goals, decide which extension type and color match. We will determine how much hair to order and a quote will be provided. The extensions will match your hair color so that they are virtually undetectable and easy to maintain. All extension hair is real, remy hair.

The application must be scheduled a different day than the consultation. The hair takes about 5 business days to arrive after the order is placed.

5 extension methods are currently offered.

HAND-TIED: These extensions require no tape, glue or heat for application. These extensions are pre-cut and hand-sewn to create a thin weft to add volume or length to the hair. Hand-tied extensions must be moved up every 6-8 weeks depending on hair growth.

FUSION/KERATIN: This method is ideal for most hair types. A Keratin glue is heated and bonded to the hair strand, making it the longest-lasting and most natural-looking method. Depending on hair growth, the extension can last 3-4 months.

MICRO FUSION/KERATIN: The same application process as listed above, but as the name insinuates, micro. This is ideal for clients with hair-loss around the face and above the crown. The hair strands are cut down into thirds or quarters, making them much smaller and able to be close to the hairline without being detected.

BEADED: A hair strand is linked to natural hair using a small bead, matching the color of the hair. This process uses no glue, heat or weaving and lasts up to 3 months. Hair can be used several times, depending on extension condition.

TAPE-IN; Ideal for clients wanting a quick, dramatic change. If you love clip-ins, but would like something more permanent, these are a great option. The quickest application process, a weft of hair is attached to natural hair with a strong adhesive. These can last up to 8 weeks and hair can be reused several times based on hair condition.



Q: Will extensions damage my natural hair?

A: With proper application and maintenance, extensions will not damage the hair. At the consultation we will determine which extension type is the best option, and most clients feel their hair is improved once extensions are removed.

Q: How are the extensions removed?

A: The extensions are carefully removed with a tool and solution. Extensions may be re-applied at same appointment if scheduled.

Q: Can I wash my hair?

A: Absolutely! All hair is 100% real, remy hair and can be washed, dried and styled.

Q: How long does the application take?

A: The application time depends on the amount of hair being installed! The average appointment length is 2-4 hours for fusion/beaded, and 1 hour or less for tape ins. After the extensions are installed, they will be cut to blend. At the consultation a more specific appointment time will be given.

Q: Can my hair be colored with extensions?

A: Yes! Your hair or the extensions can be colored while in place.

Q: How much does it cost?

A: The cost depends on how much hair is purchased. Beaded and Fusion start at $120/pack & hand tied starts at $475 (including hair).


1. Protect your investment by using professional, quality hair products.

2. Have all hair services such as coloring done in a salon by a professional

3. Use a heat protectant when styling.

4. Brush hair extensions (at the root) at least twice a day. A special brush will be provided at the appointment.

5. Braid hair loosely for sleeping

6. Use dry shampoo to avoid over-washing, but wash when necessary to remove built up products and oils.

7. Avoid using products containing alcohol and oils at the root

8, Avoid going to bed with wet hair

9. Sleep on a silk or satin pillowcase to keep hair from tangling