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Meet Brooklyn


Welcome babes!

I’m Brooklyn, born and raised, and now happily thriving in the community I grew up in, Lynden WA. My business is located within Symmetrie in historic downtown Lynden.

As a mom and business owner, I understand how valuable it is to feel confident whether I am on a business trip or chasing my two kids around the kitchen. By specializing in extensions, my goal is to leave clients feeling elevated in their style and empowered to take on life. 

I have been behind the chair for over 10 years, and was one of the first stylists in our area to offer extensions (2017) and I have remained passionate and dedicated to this craft ever since. My favorite conversations in the chair include current and upcoming trends, hair styling techniques, fashion and I am always down for a solid business chat. 

My goal has always been to have my business complement my dream life. From gym dates with my hubby to adventures with the whole family, spending time with my crew is always the top priority. 

If you are looking for your dream hair to match your life, please fill out the new client form below! I look forward to meeting you and hearing your goals!

Questions? Let’s connect!

Not a form person? No problem, reach out at!