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34 Week Updates + My Maternity Closet

Brooklyn Matthysse


Phew, what a week! I've officially started the Christmas movie marathon, the fireplace on while I write, reflecting on the past week and all we have to be thankful for. John and I hosted his side of the fam for the first time and it was wonderful. We love opening up our home and hosting friends and family when we get the chance. Last night was spent with a few of my family members as we celebrated my cousin's 40th with a surprise birthday party, and today I got to celebrate baby with most of my closest girlfriends with an amazing brunch-shower! So much love, family and friends - that's what the holidays are about, right?! 


It's been a while since I've done an update on this pregnancy, and I wanted to share one ASAP because, well, baby boy is going to be here before we know it! From this point on, I am going to try and share more frequent updates. I realize I'm pretty lucky to feel it's flown by, I think because it's been a relatively comfortable and easy pregnancy! I think in some ways I am going to miss being pregnant! While I cannot wait to meet this little guy, I have to mentally prepare to share him with the world! 



 Due Date: January 3rd

How far along: 34 weeks + 2 days

Size of baby: About lbs! Size of a pineapple

Countdown: 5 weeks, 5 days

Total weight gain: 19 lbs

Sleep: Pretty good! Minus waking up to pee

Miss anything: Intense workouts, lunch meat

Movement: Oh yes - mostly hiccups and stretches. He's running out of room!

Food cravings: All the carbs haha 

Anything make you queasy or sick: Nope!

Have you started to show yet: Oh yes

Gender: BOY

Belly button in or out: Out! I didn't think that was possible! haha

Wedding rings on or off: On

Happy or moody most of the time: Happy! 

Looking forward to: Seeing what he looks like!


 photography by Brianne Bell Photography


I've been getting quite a few questions about where I like to buy my maternity clothes! I am still mostly wearing my regular non-maternity items, but below I've linked my favorite maternity places to shop as well as some basics I've purchased to get me through the fall and winter! 














Linked below are my favorite maternity basics! These have become staples in my closet and I layer them with my favorite non-maternity jackets, sweaters, etc! The places linked above and below are having major sales for Black Friday so now is the time to stock up! 



I hope you all enjoyed this post and had a wonderful Thanksgiving surrounded by loved ones!


xo, Brooklyn