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Protein Muffins

Brooklyn Matthysse


Two of my weaknesses: chocolate and muffins. Particularly COSTCO chocolate muffins. Every year around my birthday when my mom asks what kind of cake I want, I just say I'd be fine with a  flat of Costco muffins haha. This is not the popular choice. But they probably have about as many calories as a cake! I indulged a few times on these during my pregnancy, no regrets. But now, with summer around the corner and working on my post-baby body, I can't in good conscience stuff my face with these any more. 


Enter: PROTEIN CHOCOLATE MUFFINS. These bad boys are easy to make AND guilt free. My friend made these for me after having Grayson and John and I devoured them in no time. Since then, I've added a few ingredients to make them nursing friendly. 


Any recipe that involves throwing the ingredients into a bowl, mixing and baking is a win, I think. As a new mom, I really don't feel like dealing with any overly-complicated recipes. I would recommend, however, to take a little extra time to really mash up the bananas, and mix all of the ingredients really well. In my usual rushed way, I tend to throw everything in without mixing it enough, and then getting random banana or coconut oil chunk bites. Hope you guys enjoy these as much as I do!



2 ripe bananas

2 eggs

1 cup peanut butter

1/2 cup coco powder

2 scoops chocolate protein powder - I use this one 

1/3 cup honey (I use agave)

2 tbsp. vanilla

1/2 tsp baking powder


I add:

1/2 shredded zucchini

2 tbsp. coconut oil

2 tbsp. brewers yeast - I use this one

chocolate chips 



Preheat oven to 400*. Mix all ingredients together and bake for 12 minutes.  




Original recipe from throughthelens